"DESCRIPTION 1"=For every file that Internet Explorer downloads, you will be asked to open it directly or save it to disk. You might decide that some files should be started automatically after the download by selecting the checkbox inside the Internet Explorer dialog box.
"DESCRIPTION 2"=When this checkbox is selected, you have created a "Silently Executed File". This means: If Internet Explorer comes across a filename with an extension that is marked with "Do not ask me again" checkbox, it will automatically start the program responsible for that file.
"DESCRIPTION 3"=Basically this is a good idea, but some programs automatically set this "Do not ask me again" flag and thus you never ever have the chance to decide if you maybe want to be asked if a file of that type is downloaded.
"DESCRIPTION 4"=All entries in this list are marked "Do not ask me again" and thus are "Silently Executed Files". To add a file to this list and start it automatically, click the Add button. To have the dialog box that will ask you what to do with a file, select the entry in the list and click on the Remove button.
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
"COMMENT 1"="Thanks to Pierre Szwarc for the idea!"